How To Interpret A Song When Singing Covers
Feb 09, 2023
Have you ever wondered why some people perceive things differently? We may see or hear the same thing, but we will have different interpretations or choose different meanings of it. The same thing happens when we're singing!
Is there a “right” or “wrong” interpretation?
Every time we hear music, we occasionally take the lyrics literally as the lyrics are clear-cut.
Some song lyrics may be ambiguous and have you wondering what the song is actually about.
There are two things to keep in mind when singing a cover of a song:
1. What is the artist trying to convey?
2. How can I express my own version of this story?
What do you think the song is about after reading the lyrics? How can you express your feelings and connect with your perspective on the story?
How much room do you give your audience for interpretation when you create your own lyrics as a singer-songwriter?
Do you want it to be vague so that the audience can interpret it differently?
Do you prefer it to be straightforward or clear?
Here's a challenge for you this week
The next time you sing a song, consider how you interpret it. What do the lyrics mean to you, and what interpretation are you giving them?
It is not necessary to have the same viewpoint as the original artist did. You can sing the song however you want to.
I would love to hear about your experience in the comment section!
Vocal warm-up
Before singing any song, it's absolutely necessary to warm up your voice. Here's a free step-by-step guide to warm up your voice in a healthy and efficient way:
Good vocal training starts with a good vocal warm-up!
Thank you again for being here! Sere you again next week